Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 32


I actually had a THREE-FER tonight! I got rid of a pound of ground sirloin and a bag of pepper/onion blend for the sauce...AND dessert!

Here is the finished sauce (full of diced tomatoes, red wine, garlic and about two big fistfuls of basil!)

Holden inhaled his

Holden has a buddy staying night with us tonight, so I told them they could have dessert (usually this is a treat reserved for the rare occasion that we have company or I make something for someone else). I found some mini frozen PECAN PIES that I had made at the end of November and used my vacuum sealer on!
I shipped a bunch of these beauties to my dad for his birthday...pecan pie is his fave and this was the best way to ship them....vacuum sealed and made minified in the disposable muffin tins! They arrived intact...but I did keep three here for "emergencies"!


  1. Laura - Holden looks like he is ready to pass out in a food coma! I don't really like spaghetti, but I love meatballs. Dad cannot eat pasta without a side of some kind of meat. Isn't that crazy?

    Stubby xoxo

  2. Spaghetti is my all-time favorite meal!!!!! Mmm!

  3. Hey stubby my husband is the same way, I made gnocci with a homemade tomato sauze with mushrooms and zucchini one night and he was not impressed there was no meat! Apaprently sauce must have meat! :)

    That spaghetti looooks so yummy! It is one of my fav comfort foods.
    mmmm.... mini pecan pies..mmmm...

  4. Mmm...gotta love spagetthi! And I'm sure the pecan pie cups were delish!
